Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Valentine's Day!

Wal-Mart knows what's up:)

(This is a note that I posted three years ago, but I feel like it's just as true now than it was then:) I know V-Day is a few weeks away but the feelings associated with said holiday start surfacing earlier than the holiday itself, so I thought it was relevant.)

Typically, singles all over the world (and throughout history) have despised Valentine's Day; I am the exception. I have always been a huge fan of the holiday and have found an optimistic view of this special day of love. All the pinks, reds, flowers, hearts, balloons, the joy found in each person you pass, etc. It's the day, next to Christmas, that joy can be found in every aspect of the world, however, some just choose to see the melancholy of it.

What is usually associated with Valentine's Day? A couple dining in a fancy restaurant, dancing under the stars to Sinatra (sorry I had to slip that in there:), little black dresses, sparkling grape juice (for either the underage lovers or those more conservative)...yadda, yadda, yadda!

Valentine's Day is a day of love alright, but not just one type of love! I am so incredibly blessed with many types of love: parents that make me feel proud of myself (not to mention a daddy that is so dedicated to making his girls feel beautiful by handpicking Valentine's gifts every year), a sister that humbles me but looks at me like nothing I do could make her love me less, girlfriends to hang out with and take me out when I need a lift, guy friends that will go to the extent to talk to me for hours or hang out with me with no questions asked, and mentioned last but should be placed first, a God Who wants to be with me for an unfathomably longer time than I can stand myself!!!

Of course I have my downs on Valentine's Day, as any other day. However, I am always able to give and receive joy on February 14th! With cards, with hugs, with smiles, with gifts, etc. Life is full of love if we just take the time to look around and enjoy it. So I don't have a man to hold me in his arms and buy me a ring, but I have been so overblessed with all other aspects of love that it overshadows that one. As for today, I choose to spend my life celebrating the many types of love I do have until I find the ONE I don't.

Happy Valentine's Day and remember that no matter what you are, you are never unloved!

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Rough Draft of a Love Song" (A Sheri Kinda Love Song)

So, yesterday at lunch, my awesome roommate Angela told me I should spend my empty time writing a love song. I, being up to any challenge where writing is concerned, took her up on it and this is what came out of it. 

Before you read this I should give you three warnings: One- I'm NO song writer; Two-I play NO instruments so this song has no melody; and Three- I had NO muse and wrote this out of pure creation (Inception flashback, anyone?). That being said, enjoy a "Sheri Gaches kind of love song" (because apparently a love song written by me is supposed to be really interesting). 

Also, if any YAHOO out there gets a wild hair and decides to jack any of these lyrics in part, or entirety, I hereby proclaim that I (Sheri Gaches) wrote this song January 6th, 2010, and if anyone uses any of said work without my permission or citing me, it is plagiarism. Enjoy:)

"Rough Draft of a Love Song"
I stopped praying for a Prince
but still hoped that they existed
Filled my mind with all the doubts
to keep from being disappointed
And so for years I've been a hollow shell
But something happened and I've really gotta tell you

You weren't exactly what I wanted
but exactly what I love.
I tried to shut myself off
but you just called my bluff.
I can't imagine how my life  would be without you.
This is a rough draft of a love song written for you.

(vs 2)
All I knew of love was a lovely mix
of Jane Austen novels and rough experience
You were playin Chutes and Ladders
in a 3d dimension.
With my heart as the prize 
and pride as competition. 


So Mr. Darcy isn't all he's cracked up to be.
It's all good because I'd rather have reality.
And even if you ever choose to leave,
I'll take the risk because not to would be cowardly

(Chorus twice)


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Chillens!

Logan, my original kid before I liked kids :-)

As anybody that has known me for a while will tell you, I've NEVER been a kid person. Don't get me wrong, I love children, I've just never been able to be around them for long amounts of time (thus I have a degree in SECONDARY education.)

However, in the past year, God has done something very miraculous in my life. He has enabled me to develop a passion for children and has used me to love them to Christ. (Before you think this is a bragging session, believe me, it's purely a shout out to the Lord because He's the real worker in this situation.)

It all began this summer when God called me to work at the Oklahoma Baptist Children's Home in OKC. I went thinking I would be working primarily with the teens and leaving the little kids to the other two missionaries. While I did form great relationships with the teens, the age group I found myself focusing on was the younger children. I woke up every morning looking forward to playing with them, eating meals with them and letting them crawl all over me in the pool. After the summer was over, I was so sad to leave but figured this bout with working with kids was over...I was so wrong!

During the summer I was asked by my friend Larissa if I would be willing to babysit her daughter Jadyn every Wednesday while she was at class. Being close to Larissa and Jadyn for a while, I couldn't refuse. Not only that, I was asked to teach the 4 & 5 yr. old choir at my church on Wednesday nights. By this time it was obvious God was calling me out of my comfort zone, so I said yes. Hanging out with Jadyn and teaching that class has been the biggest blessing in my life this semester. I even worked my classes around next semester so that I could teach the class again next semester.

Through all this time, God has been using me, and it's all Him because  I certainly don't have the "natural ability" to do what I'm doing. That being said, I'd like to show everyone the kids in my life, be prepared to be keeled over by the cuteness:) Unfortunately, they're in NO order because this is my first time using pictures:/

This is Jadyn:-) I've known her since she was two. I'm really gonna miss our weekly adventures.
This little guy is Levi Pruitt! He hits his head alot but we still love him:)
The wonderful Memorial cottage from OBHC. I miss them everyday!

This girl is "My Pheobe". Her parents are houseparents at OBHC and we got super tight this summer!

This thoughtful little guy is Super Jack. He's all heart and all logic, it's pretty amazing!
I love having him on Wednesday!

lol lol OH TYLER! Every Wednesday this kid cracks me up! Class Clown/Most Popular

Ben and Adleigh Fuller (Awesome Mom Angie, pictured). These kids are my pride and joy,!
The wonderful Pickett boys. Unfortunately I only have two of them on Wednesdays
but they are all wonderful!
This is Super Jack's little brother Elliot! His laugh is contagious
and I love getting to hold him:-)

Jack and Elliot's sister Meredith is a total girly girl.
Every time I see her she pretends at first that she doesn't know me,
 eventually we're friends again:-)

These are just a few of the wonderful Chillens in my life, I hope their parents don't mind that I posted them on my blog:/ lol

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Keep Your Rain Drops on Roses!! (I Don't Even Wanna TALK About Whiskers on Kittens!)

The other day, my bff Jade asked me what some of my favorite things are, and after naming a few I got laughed at by one Seth Geiger (aka "Gaches House Hobo", aka "Resident Random Guy"). This experience got me thinking, what ARE some of my favorite things? Given that this is now December and the holidays are upon us, I decided to blog about 50 things that continuously make me happy.

I have left out such obvious things as "Family", "Friends" and "Jesus" because everyone in the world knows that I love those people. So don't read this and judge me for not mentioning them.
Some may not share these little nuggets of happiness, but I'm more than willing to hear anyone's list of favorite things:) Do keep in mind, that none of these are in any particular order.

1) Filling my car up with gas=Fresh start on life!
2) Vacuuming the floor and hitting a really dirty spot. The sound the vacuum makes causes me to feel that I'm not working in vain.
3) Quarters!! (Or as Katy Stulce would say in a mimicking tone "Kwah-duz!")
4) Dumping the contents of my Inbox into the Trash on my computer, the sound is rewarding.
5) Liam Neeson, my old man crush.
6) Revelations that I get from reading the Bible. (Holy Spirit "A-HA" moments)
7) Anything Christmas-y
8) Musicals!
9) My Oklahoma Sooners
10) U-CO, you know!
11) Jane Austen
12) Finding a challenging paper topic and feeling the accomplishment of knowing I drove my point home.
13) WEDDINGS! I've loved weddings since the day I was born.
14) Giving presents!
15) Cooking for people:-)
16) Practical jokes.
17) New England. I spent two summers there and am now borderline obsessed with that part of the country!
18) Babies and Children
19) The Snow Miser
20) Dance Parties
21) Traveling
22) Reading about monarchies
23) Stealing my sister's socks
24) Reading the Funnies in the paper
25) Playing "Signs"
26) Movies
27) Valentine's Day (yes, I LOVE this holiday)
28) The color Red
29) Red Velvet Cake, and anything with that flavor
30) Hockey
31) Being with people
32) Peaches, Honey, Cinnamon
33) Hype (I love hype)
34) Speaking in accents
35) "Pump It" by the Black Eyed Peas
36) Coke Icees
37) Facebook Quotes (funny ones)
38) Edmond, OK (aka "The Emerald City")
39) Hearing songs on commercials and looking them up on iTunes later
40) Yahoo! Movies website. I look up movie trailers daily.
41) Emma by Jane Austen (yes, I mentioned her again:)
42) Pussycat Doll Workout Video
43) Kitchen aisles at any store
44) Walking through Home Accessories and planning out my future life.
45) A1 Steak Sauce (I put it in my beef, and on everything else)
46) Pressing the "Walk" button on a Stop Light crossing until it changes
47) Dressing up like a Princess
48) The UCO Wellness Center
49) Capitalizing Everything in a Sentence, Except for Prepositions, Articles and Conjunctions.
50) Creeping into other people's pictures

There you have it! 50 of my favorite things. I hope you've enjoyed this little time of narcissism. If you didn't, you probably stopped reading at number ten...if you read it at all :-)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't read this if your mind is closed to literature, you hate on "kids" who just wanna go back to college, or you hated Inception.

I had dinner with a few former English Ed. pals of mine tonight, just to catch up on each other's lives. (Before I get to my point, I must point out that English Ed people are very tightnit and are a very exclusive family group of sorts.) We, all being recent graduates, not only talked about the present but reflected on our past few years as English majors. As we reflected, a familiar feeling resurfaced. A feeling we felt everyday as English majors and unanimously agreed was a key ingredient to our passion, Psychological Stimulation.

Scientifically, that's what all humans look for in an occupation, or (if not an occupation) in a past time and/or hobby. It looks different for every person, but in the reliving the days of not so long ago, I was reminded of what that looks like for me and most people that share my passion for literature. For those readers who wonder why the heck anyone likes English, maybe this will give a little insight.

To me, the first thing that draws me to studying literature in an educational setting is finding an idea, being consumed by that idea and then trying to prove that idea. It's like Leonardo DiCaprio said in Inception ,"What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient... highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate." When writing an essay, analyzing a piece of literature,or working toward a goal of any kind, I always find an idea, an inspiration. An idea that I can't get rid of and has to come out. That's what writing a paper is like for me. It's finding something to prove, knowing there are going to be challenges and obstacles, then getting that overwhelming sense of pride after I know I've done it! After writing my papers, most times, I'd feel like a genius, that I was on top of my game somehow!

It is really no different from a scientist trying to prove that his or her theory is a law; or a lawyer swimming through facts, trying to prove what he or she believes is true. It can also be taken like an athlete who aspires to be better, finding a strategy that will bring him/her to the ultimate goal of winning. Writing a paper is my day in court, it's the laboratory where I will make a life-changing discovery, and where I'll win first place in the competition against the doubters and even myself.

I know it's possible to have that feeling when reading as a "civilian" (ha ha) but nothing is the same for me now. When I was in school, there was a reason, a goal, a motivation to think critically. There was someone to listen when I had inspiring thoughts about a work, but not as much anymore. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of friends who like to read, but very few that will sit with me for long periods of time and hear my theories on a story. Stimulating conversation is something I truly miss.

Not only was I challenged but being a "student theorist" also inspired me. When I was reading for a reason, I read everything critically. In turn, it inspired me to not only write about the work itself but to write things of my own. I used to write really well, and now that I don't write anymore, I feel like I've lost something. Maybe it is as they say, "If you don't use it, you lose it." I remember many a time when I would be reading for a class and the work would inspire me to write. Not just a critical essay but fiction, autobiography, etc. I felt like I really had something to say, and could articulate it well enough for it to be relevant to everyone. I don't feel that inspiration anymore, and I would really love to have that again.

 I miss feeling like I was good at something, that I had something to accomplish. That is how I felt everyday when I was studying English in school. Of course, there was a lot of blood, sweat and tears that went into it daily, but the end result always felt richer! For all those out there who have been out of school a while and have learned to achieve psychological stimulation without having to be in a classroom to do it, congratulations, I know you're reading this saying "what a dumb kid, she just needs to move on". Maybe you're right, but what I felt tonight while looking back was a reawakening of passion that reminds me why I want to continue. It's what drives me, and I thought I would share. Like I said, such psychological stimulation can create an all-consuming inspiration to put into words, what one is thinking. This was mine, so put that in your "negative nelly" pipe and smoke it. :P

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aisle Jumping, Fake Texting and Other Ways to Avoid People in Public Places

I am a perfectly extroverted social-butterfly! I know everyone, talk to everyone and hug a majority of "everyone". However, sometimes I get a little anti-social and feel like being left alone, who doesn't? Through these brief lapses in my life, I have stumbled upon some very common ways to avoid people in public places. I shared said strategies with a colleague of mine and she was quite shocked that people did such things, but I am convinced that I am not the only person that has pulled such shenanigans to get out of human interaction. (That being said, do not assume that if you suspect me of doing the following that I am actually avoiding you. It could just be a coincidence:)

Aisle Jumping
Have you ever walked through Wal-Mart and spotted someone you know, but don't want to talk to? There may be nothing wrong with this person but you may be in a hurry or feeling a bit anti-social that day so you walk out of your way, down another aisle to avoid conversation. I have done this on a few occasions. Usually, it's because I didn't have time to get into long conversation, or I forgot his/her name altogether. The only way to do this well is to spot them early and make sure they didn't see you. If you clearly make eye contact and aisle jump then the jig is up, get out of your slump and go chat!

Facebook Chat
Facebook is the top socializing network of our generation. It is "Social Central" complete with an opportunity to instant message any friend that is online. To me, Facebook Chat is like the Wal-Mart situation sometimes. The chat is on, someone pops up, and you think "I just really don't feel like chatting right now", so you pretend you don't see it. Most people just give up but then there are the persistent ones who continue to write you as if you're eventually going to give up and talk to them. The best way to avoid Facebook Chat in times you feel anti-social is to turn it off completely, but sometimes you don't hit the button quick enough. If you get caught in a pickle where you have a "chatter" and you don't feel like being rude. Just tell them you don't have time to chat and turn off the app.

Fake Texting
Thanks to texting, avoiding people you know in real life is much easier. Say you're walking along the street or your college campus and you spot someone you know coming over the horizon. All you have to do is whip out your phone and start texting someone. Most people still have the common courtesy to NOT interrupt you if they think you're busy. I have even known those who decided to call someone at the moment they saw a familiar face. (This can also be used as a safety precaution when walking through a dark parking lot. Who's gonna attack a woman who has a direct line with another person? That person may know where the woman is.)

Innocent Passers-by
Another way to avoid talking to someone you know is to suddenly engage in conversation with someone you don't know. For example, you're in the mall and you see someone you know and don't have time to get into long dialogue. Find someone close to you that has a cute baby, great shoes or needs assistance and begin talking with them about said subjects. You're guaranteed at least one good minute of stalling while your acquaintance passes by, and are guaranteed no more than a minute and a half of conversation because you don't know them and will probably never see them again. If all else fails, pretend to tie your shoes. Your eyes are facing the floor so you will have every excuse to say you didn't see them.

In defense of myself (as well as my blog), I must now say that it is not in my character to avoid people. I rarely do such things and anyone that knows me will tell you that if I see you, I will talk to you. However, I have on occasion or two committed such acts of avoidance. Does this mean that I dislike people? No. Does this mean I'm an uppity snob? No. It just means that sometimes, even the most social of people need to alone time. This is not a persuasive blog, informing everyone to leave me alone. It is an expose' into the world we live in, where people are more apt to be satisfied with little human interaction. I blame technology, but in the end we must blame ourselves and our complacency.

So, for the times you are complacent and wish to no longer speak to people, read this for ideas on how to do so. If anyone out there has any other strategies, please feel free to comment. Have a good day, go hug somebody!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm All About Hype!

Ok, so as anyone that knows me will tell you, I'm all about the hype!! I didn't start going to Starbucks until it got really popular to do so; I end up going to see movies I have no interest in, purely because everyone else has seen it; I didn't get into the OKC Thunder until they went up against the Lakers in the 2010 playoffs and now....I'm blogging!! Of course I have nothing to say that is worth saying, and no one will benefit from this (as if anyone's gonna read it!) but, nonetheless, I'm here :-) Look out world, because not only is Sheri G! gonna verbally SPEAK what she thinks but she's gonna post it on a blog, holla!!!