Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aisle Jumping, Fake Texting and Other Ways to Avoid People in Public Places

I am a perfectly extroverted social-butterfly! I know everyone, talk to everyone and hug a majority of "everyone". However, sometimes I get a little anti-social and feel like being left alone, who doesn't? Through these brief lapses in my life, I have stumbled upon some very common ways to avoid people in public places. I shared said strategies with a colleague of mine and she was quite shocked that people did such things, but I am convinced that I am not the only person that has pulled such shenanigans to get out of human interaction. (That being said, do not assume that if you suspect me of doing the following that I am actually avoiding you. It could just be a coincidence:)

Aisle Jumping
Have you ever walked through Wal-Mart and spotted someone you know, but don't want to talk to? There may be nothing wrong with this person but you may be in a hurry or feeling a bit anti-social that day so you walk out of your way, down another aisle to avoid conversation. I have done this on a few occasions. Usually, it's because I didn't have time to get into long conversation, or I forgot his/her name altogether. The only way to do this well is to spot them early and make sure they didn't see you. If you clearly make eye contact and aisle jump then the jig is up, get out of your slump and go chat!

Facebook Chat
Facebook is the top socializing network of our generation. It is "Social Central" complete with an opportunity to instant message any friend that is online. To me, Facebook Chat is like the Wal-Mart situation sometimes. The chat is on, someone pops up, and you think "I just really don't feel like chatting right now", so you pretend you don't see it. Most people just give up but then there are the persistent ones who continue to write you as if you're eventually going to give up and talk to them. The best way to avoid Facebook Chat in times you feel anti-social is to turn it off completely, but sometimes you don't hit the button quick enough. If you get caught in a pickle where you have a "chatter" and you don't feel like being rude. Just tell them you don't have time to chat and turn off the app.

Fake Texting
Thanks to texting, avoiding people you know in real life is much easier. Say you're walking along the street or your college campus and you spot someone you know coming over the horizon. All you have to do is whip out your phone and start texting someone. Most people still have the common courtesy to NOT interrupt you if they think you're busy. I have even known those who decided to call someone at the moment they saw a familiar face. (This can also be used as a safety precaution when walking through a dark parking lot. Who's gonna attack a woman who has a direct line with another person? That person may know where the woman is.)

Innocent Passers-by
Another way to avoid talking to someone you know is to suddenly engage in conversation with someone you don't know. For example, you're in the mall and you see someone you know and don't have time to get into long dialogue. Find someone close to you that has a cute baby, great shoes or needs assistance and begin talking with them about said subjects. You're guaranteed at least one good minute of stalling while your acquaintance passes by, and are guaranteed no more than a minute and a half of conversation because you don't know them and will probably never see them again. If all else fails, pretend to tie your shoes. Your eyes are facing the floor so you will have every excuse to say you didn't see them.

In defense of myself (as well as my blog), I must now say that it is not in my character to avoid people. I rarely do such things and anyone that knows me will tell you that if I see you, I will talk to you. However, I have on occasion or two committed such acts of avoidance. Does this mean that I dislike people? No. Does this mean I'm an uppity snob? No. It just means that sometimes, even the most social of people need to alone time. This is not a persuasive blog, informing everyone to leave me alone. It is an expose' into the world we live in, where people are more apt to be satisfied with little human interaction. I blame technology, but in the end we must blame ourselves and our complacency.

So, for the times you are complacent and wish to no longer speak to people, read this for ideas on how to do so. If anyone out there has any other strategies, please feel free to comment. Have a good day, go hug somebody!

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